Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Water Bottle Woes

I just read an article about water bottles and BPA. That's the stuff that has been on alert in baby bottles for a bit. I don't have babies, so I thought I was in the clear on this issue - but alas, it has crept into our lives...

Last Christmas, it seemed that I became water bottle obsessed. I got 2 water bottles (3 if you count the replacement that we had to buy because Bear ate the top to one), and a travel mug for xmas. Scott has had his nalgene bottles for awhile, and I thought it was a great way to get me to try to drink my daily allowance of water (the Hydracoach was really great for that).

Well, it turns out that depending on the type of plastic used to make your water bottles (and pitchers, and Tupperware, etc) you may still have the potential of BPA being present.
Here is a good article, and there are links that you can follow to give you even more information.
Basically, if you look at the bottom of your water bottle, there is a number in the middle of the recycle symbol. Try to avoid plastics with a #3, #6 or #7 (of course, all of our water bottles are #7). This does not mean that all #7 plastics have BPA, but there is a chance. Look for brands that say BPA free. The best plastics are the ones with #2, #4 or #5 recycle codes.
If you have #7 bottles and don't plan to replace them - basically, don't put anything hot in there, don't let your water sit in it and then still drink from it, and don't put them in the dishwasher. Heat seems to release BPA into the contents...

Here are a couple that look good - time to replace all of our water bottles! And I am drinking my required ounces daily, for the most part! Here's a trick to calculate how much you need to drink - basically, take your weight, and half of that number is how much you should be drinking in ounces (for a person with average activity levels).
Camelback - now BPA free
Nalgene - now made with a new Titan material that is BPA free
Klean Kanteen - I think I'm going to go with these - they don't hold odor either...

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