Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Walking water experiment - it actually worked!

I saw a post for a science experiment that I tried with the kids this past weekend.
Take 3 cups.
Fill 2 with water, and leave the third empty.
Using food coloring, color the 2 with water.  I chose yellow and blue, but you can use any colors you want.  Set them up in a row, with the empty cup in the middle.
Roll up 2 paper towels into skinny snakes, and put each with one end in the water and the other in the empty cup.
Result:  The water should walk up the paper towel and fill the empty cup.  The color will be the appropriate combination color (yellow and blue make green), and the water level should be even in all 3 cups.

I figured the color would turn out as it was supposed to, but I honestly did not think the water would be even in all 3 cups.  That's a lot of water to move out of each cup, and I really thought the level would be significantly lower in the middle cup.

I set up the cups at about 3pm, and Emi predicted that the water would be green (I am impressed that she actually knew that!).  When we went to bed that night, there was a little bit of green water in the middle cup, and Emi went to bed thinking she was the smartest person in the world.  The next morning, the water level was equal in all 3 cups!!  I am shocked... it really moved that much water out of each cup.  Even 30-somethings can learn new things!

1 comment:

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