Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Gunter glieben glauten globen

Last week was concert week.
And as I sat through Friday night's concert, I realized how musically diverse I am. Does that mean that I like all genres, and am an educated and well-rounded person? Or does it mean that I can't make up my mind what genre I like, thus listening to a little bit of everything?
I almost asked my self if I am just a trendy person who jumps on the bandwagon when something becomes popular - but then I have to argue the fact that I am not cool and have no idea what is popular these days. The only reason I know Madonna has a new album out is because Ellen dances to it on her show.

Last Saturday, we went to see Def Leppard at Coors Amphitheater (now it's being called Cricket Amphitheater). REO Speedwagon and Styx opened up for them, and although I still don't fully know who Styx is, Scott says he recognized every song they played. I only know the "I'm Sailing Away" song because Cartman sang it on South Park. Def Leppard then came on, and it was a great show. They sounded great - maybe too great, making me think they were lip syncing or that the background vocal guys took voice lessons - and it was definitely worth the wait to finally see these guys in concert (My mom would not let me go see them when they toured back in 1987). Eric and Julie came down for the weekend, and while we tailgated prior to the show the doggies got to spend some quality bonding time at home.

On Friday, we went to see Michael Buble at Cox Arena. It was a good show, and he is very funny. Of course, all the ladies were drooling over him, and he made a couple of funny jokes about not being a piece of meat. Then about 3/4 through the show, he started to let people come up to the from of the stage and that just opened up the throngs of women running down the aisles to get to the front. He then started joking that he needed to change the mood and perform for the men in the audience, and he broke into "Young Man, there's no need to feel down...". Too funny!

So it's been a great week, of concerts and I must say that I truly enjoy the diversity of music that we go to see (aka: that I can talk Scott into seeing with me). He really is a trooper and I will never forget how much you love me, enough to even go to a Cindy Lauper show with me. The only show I couldn't talk him into going to was the Dixie Chicks. I guess you do have your limits!

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