Monday, May 09, 2005

It's the Final Countdown

I can't believe it's a week away!! I have been a mix of emotions the past week or so.
I started out very calm, and had the attitude that we've got time and everything will be fine.
Then, it switched to a frustrated feeling, and that I am completely done with this wedding thing and everything that isn't done yet doesn't really matter. I told Scott, if he wants programs, a seating chart, and table card, then he has to do them because I am done.
Then, I got really stressed out because these things have to get done, and now there isn't enough time!! We still had to get our parents and attendants gifts, etc. I ordered them, now it's just waiting and hoping that they arrive before the wedding.

Now, I think I am a little calmer, we still have a lot of work to do, but I am in complete disbelief that we are a week away. This week is either going to fly by, or it's going to drag on like you wouldn't believe. We still have to do:
Seating Chart and the pictures and names of all the tables
Out of town baggies
Buy a slew of things (most importantly a Guest book)
Wash and put ribbons on all the guest favors
Do programs (if we have them at all)
Put together the CDs for all the music for the ceremony and breaks

My goal is to have all this done by Wed morning - but who knows if that's really going to happen. Tricia is great and is coming over to help on Tuesday night. Maybe that will force me to get my act together and at least have everything printed out.

This past weekend was Scott's bachelor party, and the girls took me out to dinner on Fri night, and then on Sat night. What wonderful friends we have!! And what a headache I had after Saturday night!! But on Sunday, Scott was so cuddly and sweet, and he seems really excited to be getting down to the BIG DAY. He is so amazing. I really lucked out in finding him.

Oh well - it's 6 days away!!!!!!

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