Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Maternity pants - it's official

Well, a couple of weeks ago I noticed that one pair of jeans was starting to feel tight and that it was more comfortable to not button it. I went to Target and got a Be Band, which is just a cotton/spandex band that holds up your pants if you don't want to button them. It works ok, and now I am wearing it with 2 pairs of jeans that I can't button anymore. I was hoping that I could just go the entire pregnancy with just buying a couple more of these bands and not having to get maternity clothes. I work in PJs all day, so I thought I could get away with it.

Yesterday, I went shopping with the girls to Motherhood Maternity, and gave in and got my first pair of maternity jeans. Seeing Sarah (who is about 27 weeks or something like that), I realized there is no way this band/jeans combination is going to last if I get much bigger. Everyone says that these maternity clothes are going to become my favorites and that I'll want to wear them long after I've had Baby Z, but I just don't see it right now. Maybe I'm in denial about gaining weight, but right now there is nothing nice about having no zipper, and a band attached to your jeans that you can hike up to your boobs.

I saw the movie Juno again a few weekends ago, and I must say it was much funnier now that I can relate to some of the things she says. There is one part where her mom sews a band onto her jeans. I just can't bear the thought of cutting my jeans up - in the hopes that I will fit into them again shortly after July 27th. I guess we'll see....

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